Posts tagged #ski

Work hard, play hard(er)

Well, hello there! Long time no see! Has it really been three weeks? Time flies when you're having fun...

So this last month has been a bit of a whirlwind (hence the slight silence around here). Just to paint a picture, I have already clocked a good 40 hours this week and it's barely Wednesday! New projects, smaller team and a ridiculous amount of pressure to perform seem to have defined work lately. Which is why I was determined to work hard on the life part of the infamous work-life balance equation. And I surely am aware of the irony of this statement :).

Enter, dream-come-true ski trip to Vail, CO!

Words cannot describe how amazing this place is! Especially if you care about ski runs that have incredible scenery, perfect snow and NO OTHER SKIERS. Thank goodness I brought company ;). 

This place is so beautiful that it's a shame I had to try to squeeze some of the images into square thumbnails... So I figured I'd share a few more full-sized ones!

And below is the view from my favorite run - a blue/black combo that was way too much fun (so much so that I did it a good 4-5 times in a row - I think I earned a few "gold" stars on my Vail app for being a "creature of habit", hehe). 

The only word of advice I wish I had given myself prior to leaving for my trip there... Make sure you arrive in broad daylight, and preferably not during a snow storm. I did neither... Let me tell you, there's nothing like driving in the middle of the night through a canyon you don't know, with practically zero visibility and on snow. My heart rate must have been 120 for a good three hours straight :). 

BUT, I am not complaining too much... A little pain for a lot of gain! Evidence above... the best snow I have ever skied on!

Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! I, for one, cannot wait for the weekend already :).

Posted on April 6, 2016 and filed under Travel Diaries.