This time around, I went for drama! Punches of orange and maroon with a tiny bit of eucalyptus seemed to do the trick! $12.99 spent on having a ton of fun with the camera and making my living room look classy and pretty for a dinner party I hosted. I say, win-win. Happy Sunday!
The Little Things that Mean a Lot
Thank You
For the grin on my face that my co-workers had never seen before or even thought existed. Sometimes the little gestures in life can mean so much when they are least expected. The most perfect and beautiful end to an exhausting week.
A few months back, a co-worker of mine convinced me to join my company's Spartan Race team. He didn't talk it up much: he mentioned it's a long-ish run with a few fun obstacles. You know, no big deal. Something someone who runs as much as me should complete more than easily (read, you don't really need to train for it). Ha ha ha.