Deserving its own mention, my splurge of the quarter was a helicopter tour of San Francisco! As my friend Amy would say though, experiences > purses. And this was quite an experience! Take off and landing aside (which are so great on their own), the helicopter tour offered a crash course (and definitely no pun intended here) in San Francisco's main attractions from a very unique vantage point.
It also offered the once-in-a-lifetime experience of diving under the Golden Gate Bridge at 150 miles/hr to complete the loop by flying over it. I may have almost lost conscience but this will remain as one of the best experiences I have ever had.
A few months back, a co-worker of mine convinced me to join my company's Spartan Race team. He didn't talk it up much: he mentioned it's a long-ish run with a few fun obstacles. You know, no big deal. Something someone who runs as much as me should complete more than easily (read, you don't really need to train for it). Ha ha ha.